Men’s Ministry
Our men’s ministry administers and motivates the Men’s Fellowship Department in a manner that will result in leadership, growth, maturity and stability of the men of the church. Major focus is placed on organizing spiritual, social and family oriented programs for the men of the church. In focusing upon these, the Men’s Fellowship Department is built to cultivate leaders that God can use for His kingdom.
Women’s Ministry
Our women’s ministry focuses on motivating the Women’s Auxiliary Department in a manner that will involve as many of the ladies of the church as possible. Major focus is placed upon Ladies spiritual growth, outreach, fundraising and social involvement. By focusing on these areas, this auxiliary is a vital part of reaching our city.

Marriage Ministry
Our Purposeful Design® framework focuses couples on four critical success areas that are essential to growing a dynamic friendship, relationship, and love-ship. The marriage ministry hosts a series of sessions that help couples develop skills that help deepen their relationship and glorify God.
Children and Youth Ministry (Inspire)
The Children’s and Youth Ministry serves and motivates the young people in a manner that will result in spiritual and social growth for the youth both in and out of the church. Our major focus is placed on providing the youth with skills to develop their leadership, spirituality, social, outreach and fundraising activities that will glorify God. In focusing upon these, youth accomplish the main task of the Youth leadership, this being, to prepare the young people as spiritual leaders in the church of today, as well as tomorrow.
Our Children’s ministry strives to impact the lives of our youngest and most vulnerable. Our desire is to raise up a generation of people who from a young age know their calling and purpose and are confident in expressing the kingdom in their lives, early.

Prayer Clinic
Our prayer clinic is a ministry that does two very important things, 1. It facilitates a powerful and purposeful avenue for our senior members to keep a high degree of purpose in their lives as they 2. Pray for the entire ministry on a daily basis. The prayer clinic began as an opportunity to learn the critical skills of how to pray, and has grown into a ministry that arms believers with the knowledge of seeking God in prayer on a regular basis.